The Deep

The series follows the Nekton family, a family of daring underwater explorers who live aboard a state-of-the-art submarine, The Aronnax, and explore uncharted areas of the earth’s oceans to unravel the mysteries of the deep.

  • Country of originAustralia, Canada
  • Year when published2019

S3:E13 (08.03.2024)

S3:E12 (07.03.2024)

S3:E11 (06.03.2024)

S3:E10 (05.03.2024)

S3:E9 (04.03.2024)

S3:E8 (03.03.2024)

S3:E7 (02.03.2024)

S3:E6 (01.03.2024)